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  • Writer's pictureBrian W

When to Change Your Polaris General's Oil

Knowing When to Change Your Polaris General's Oil: A Simple Guide

UTV oil change schedule

Hey Guys! Wondering when to change the oil in your UTV? It's super important for keeping your ride running smoothly. Let's break it down in an easy-to-understand way!

Why Oil Changes Matter

Oil in your Polaris General is like water for us - essential! It keeps your engine happy by lubricating parts, cooling the engine, and keeping things clean. Over time, oil gets old and dirty, and it can't do its job well. That's why changing it is key.

When to Change the Oil:

  1. Check the Manual: Your Polaris General's manual is your go-to guide. It has a schedule for oil changes based on how many hours you've ridden or how many miles you've traveled. Polaris generally recommends changing the oil in your General every 100 Hours or 1,000 miles.

  2. Every Ride Check: Even if it's not time for a full change, always peek at the oil level and color before a ride. If it looks super dark or has dirt, it's time for a change.

  3. Riding Style Matters: Ride a lot in dusty places or love speeding? You might need to change the oil more often.

  4. Seasonal Riders: Only ride in summer or winter? It's good to change the oil at the start of the season.

  5. Listen to Your UTV: Weird engine noises or a hotter-than-usual engine can be a sign. If you notice these, check the oil.

How to Do It:

Changing your oil isn't super hard. You need the right oil (check the manual for type), a new filter, and some basic tools. If you're not comfortable, no worries - We can help.

Other Tips:


Changing the oil in your Polaris General is a big part of keeping it in great shape. It's like giving it a fresh drink of water. Stay on top of it, and your UTV will thank you with awesome rides!

Remember, taking care of your Polaris General is part of the adventure. Happy riding, everyone!


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